Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Moving on to the next project

. . . Which is going to be an 18th century dress as part of The Curtain-along hosted by Festive Attyre.

The Curtain Along is about using a modern curtain available at most home goods stores to make an 18th century dress. The curtain print is a very good looking indienne print that comes in three base colors: creme, scarlet, and black. Festive attyre can explain it way better, check out her multiple posts as the project grows: 

I already have my fabric/ curtains ;) I am going with the creme version as I think it will look best with my blue quilted petticoat. That being said I'm not really sure what style I am going to make. I was thinking a Caraco jacket but now I'm not sure . . . 

One thing for sure though, I love the idea of using curtains as fabric! I actually have multiple dresses that came from curtains :) It's usually an easy and cheap way to come up with yardage. 


  1. Yay! I look forward to seeing what you make. I *adored* the curtain fabric, for its hand as well as beautiful print. Very lovely to work with. :-)

    1. So glad to hear you loved workin with the fabric, that can totally make or break a project!

  2. How often do they have these Curtain Along events. Would love to join one in the future!
