Friday, August 23, 2013

Point Fermin Lighthouse

The weekend after Costume College, Michael and I attended a picnic with our friends out at the Pt. Fermin Lighthouse in Long Beach. 
The event is a regular one for us and a favorite due to the beautiful setting of the historic light house with its well maintained grounds. 
We set up our picnic spread inside the fenced off side yard of the property surrounded by the brightly colored flowering garden. 
This year i felt inspired and made my favorite lemon blueberry cream pie for a dessert, everyone else seemed to decide it was their favorite too as it practically vanished in moments of bringing it out. 
The weather was bright and sunny and warm to start, then toward the end of the afternoon the breeze comes up off the water and it cools down beautifully. 

Michael wore his summer whites for the Probyns Horse Regiment and looked very dashing :) 
and i wore an old dress with a few adjustments and remodels to make it work at a moments notice. I like the draped effect on the skirt but will likely do a very different bodice if i ever chose to wear it again. 
We were joined by a good gathering of friends in their summer best, that even included the dogs :)

1 comment:

  1. You all look so lovely! I wish we'd been in town and had able to be there.
