Two weekends ago was the Lanterman Ragtime Tea DanceThe lanterman house is absolutely beautiful, just chalk full of an eclectic mix of furnishings from the turn of the century and later. And it was staffed with knowledgable docents for the event that provided great insight into the history of the lanterman family and the house it's self. Great effort has gone into restoring the original murals on many of the walls, which are so lovely to look at as well as taking the house back to its original state.

This was my first teens era dance, and I found the style of dancing to be fun and easy. The dance class was taught by Walter Nelson, he was full of little tips to make the simple one and two step style seem intricate and lively. Even going so far as to show us how to fake a tango :)

Which Michael and I did to much success and copious amounts of giggling and laughter on my part! It was just so much fun! This event was the most dancing I have done with Michael and it was so great, I am really looking forward to doing more and varied dancing with him soon.
Our friends Chris and Beth, vforvintageblog, and Matt and Lauren wearing history ,attended the event too. We shared some dancing, tea and lots of pictures :)

Beth looked just super cute in her sailor inspired outfit and Lauren had on a great outfit too. I just loved Lauren's hat, such a great shape for the era with out being too huge. I wore my new teens walking suit, its an original from the era and has the best little details ( coming in a future post). The suit was my Christmas present from Michael this year and I just love it.

I was able to find an original blouse from the era to wear with it too. The hat I made out of a modern felt cloche, it was a fun project :)

The gentleman looked so handsome as always! I just loved that Michael chose to wear the bright red tie and the original Victorian striped shirt. Chris looked very dapper with his straw boater and Matt had the original advertisement for his suit! So cool!
All in all this event was just so much fun! The dancing, atmosphere and company were all great :)
Caitlin Amiton
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