Thursday, January 17, 2013

Regency evening gown inspiration

For the latest Historical Sew Fortnightly challenge I am going to do an 1813 evening gown. I want to do color and something fancy like the below. As beautiful as the pure white gowns are, on me and my super paleness, I just disappear, color is my friend ;)

Lace overlay on an evening gown:

The use of color in regency gowns rather than white.


  1. I think most people tend to want to make a white evening dress because they were so popular. But when I look at fashion plates and original gowns I see so much color! Can't wait to see what you create!

    1. As this a relatively new era for me I am enchanted by the lovely white gowns but color just calls to me especially my favorite color green which this dress will be, that and I can use more stash fabric ;)

    2. It's fairly new for me too. I've done quite a bit of sewing for the 18th century, a bit for the 1860s, and now more 1930s/40s stuff. However I've recently joined a new War of 1812 group so if I actually want to go to events this summer is need to get sewing!
      And yes, it's great to be able to use something from the stash. ;)
