Two weekends ago Michael and I attended the LA Air Raid at Fort MacArthur down in Long Beach.

The event is a reenactment of the "Air attack" on LA in February of 1943, the attack was actually a false alarm. But the reenactment is a fun mix of WWII militaria and vintage music and dancing.

And this last weekend was the perfect weather for it!! Sunny and warm, in the 80s warm, and so clear you could see all the way out to Catalina!

Michael wore a new vintage jacket, it's a really nice weave and great blue grey color. He looked great in head to toe vintage :)

I wore a new day dress that I have been working on resurrecting, it came to me in pretty bad shape and I have done a lot to put it back together, it still needs a bit more but was fun to wear. And I also got to wear my silly big brimmed hat and when it got cooler after the sun went down I threw on my favorite camel wool swing coat.

We met up with a few friends (Beth and Lauren) and had a picnic lunch of sandwiches, cookies and coca colas :)

Overall it one of my favorite events, it always has such a great atmosphere!